Do I need to add accessibility labels to my code?

No, camelQA does not require accessibility labels but we can leverage them if you’d like. By default, camelQA uses vision to detect elements on your screen and execute code to tap, swipe, type and more to complete the desired action.

If I change my app, do I have to update my camelQA scripts?

You won’t need to update your script for minor changes (ex. change in button placement), but you will have to update you script if you introduce new flows (ex. adding a step to your onboarding process)

Do I have to write my own test cases?

Yes, but automatic test case creation is our most requested feature… and it’s coming soon!

How detailed should I be with my test cases?

camelQA sees as a person sees. If a new user wouldn’t know how to complete a task without steps, assume camelQA will not either.

Do you train camelQA on my app?

We do not train our models on your app.

Do you retain any data from my app?

CamelQA does not retain any data from your app and does not allow OpenAI to retain any of your data. We work by taking a screenshot of your app, sending that screenshot to our servers and using AI to generate the code to complete the next step. We destroy all screenshots after processing.

What devices can I use to run camelQA?

Your own local devices or any device farm service. XCode cloud offers 25 hours of free device time per month. camelQA does not offer devices.

Do you need access to our database or any PII?

We do not need access to your database and we do not retain or interface with any of your PII.

Do you use any 3rd party software or development?

All of camelQA’s models are built in-house, we do not have any contractors or offshore teams.